Magicx News

Magicx Launches Surf City Marina Website

The first of hopefully many jobs on Long Beach Island, NJ… Introducing Surf City Marina’s new and improved website:  As a staple in the LBI Community, Surf City Marina and Showroom provide fun and excitement to local beach/ocean enthusiasts, selling boats & wave runners as well as providing slips, storages, fuel, service, accessories and […]

Magicx Launches Kevin Zazzera Attorney At Law Website

We have just finished up some web & video work for Attorney Kevin Zazzera.  Unlike many common attorney websites, we included some nice video segments to help keep his viewer’s attention, immediately familiarize them with Kevin (the one who will be working alongside them in a prospective case) while answering some frequently asked questions.   Kevin’s […]

Magicx Launches New ARIRANG Website

After much time and effort, we are happy to introduce our latest site for the well known Arirang! This site was created with multiple locations in mind that have different events, locations (obviously), etc., not to mention the site only only minimal hints of flash… our pretty awesome video (if we can say so […]